CMC Education Policy

The objectives of Education according to the Education policy of CMC

✔   Education is a sacred call and an apostolate through which we participate in the teaching mission of Christ and the Church.
✔   The pursuit of intellectual and professional excellence should be the total formation of the human person as much for the individuals
enrichment as for the service of the society and nation in the spirit of Christ.
✔  The students should be made aware of the existing socio-economic and political paradigms such as unemployment, illiteracy, communalism, political, ideologies, linguistic pride, moral degradation, male dominance, class distinction, materialism, and other
social evils.
✔   They should be made able to accept and face challenges of the life positively.
✔   The students should be able to grow intellectually upright, mentally fit, socially acceptable, emotionally balanced and spiritually well built.
✔   The school aims at total development of students that leads to acquisition of knowledge, formation of a balanced personality and a
proper nationalistic outlook and the formation of ethical and moral values in the cultural environment and to enable them to face the
challenges in the present competitive society.