St. Ann’s School and Junior College in under Amal Jyothi Charitable Society and owned by the Amala Province, Karjirappally of the Congregation of Mother of Carmel. The provincial superior of Amala Province is the president of the society. Congregation of mother of Carmel was founded by St. Kuriakose Elias Chavara in the year 1866 at Koonamanu, Kerala and Amala Province was erected in the year 1980. Since then, the province started extending their activities to other states of India as the members of the congregation are to aspire for holiness themselves and lead others to the same. They are bound to serve humanity in all their needs and help them to become good before’ God and men’. The founder father, St. Kuriakose Chavara advocated education as a major and sure instrument to bring about cultural , moral and spiritual development along with the intellectual development of individuals. Hence the CMC’s run educational institution in almost all states of India and even abroad.