He was a great visionary educationist who dreamt of social changes like equality of women, irradication of caste system, education of the backward and dalits etc. He himself succeeded in bringing about fundamental changes in the 19th century Kerala in all walks of life. He was earmarked for his innumerable renovations in the field of family life, education, mass media, health care programme, and palliative care centers for the poor, together with the spiritual and liturgical upliftment of people in his time. If Kerala emerges today with the highest percentage of literacy among all other Indian states, it owes much to him for its development in literacy, education, women education, and in alienation of caste system too. He founded two religious congregations one for men and the other for women to continue his noble vision for the betterment of the society. He is a model of passion for his followers. He considered God as his loving father and all people as his own brethren. Acknowledging his sanctity and passion for the people, the Holy Catholic church raised him to sainthood on 23rd Nov 2014. Though that honour came to him very late, 143 years after his death, it is a sure indication that he still remains active and alive in the history and in the hearts of many.